Learn more about me, my experiences and successes. See how diverse I can support you and take with you things worth knowing and reflections on current topics.
My Philosphy
People - the most valuable asset of a company
Motivation and enthusiasm are the strongest drivers of performance
Competence, experience and creativity are key to innovation
Customers - the most important focus
Long-term success only results from customer benefits
Listening and understanding are the prerequisites for tailor-made solutions
Technology - the passion
Getting to the bottom of things and questioning the status quo
Combining the art of engineering with entrepreneurial vision
Stations and achievements in the area of research & development
Creating Knowledge
Student of aerospace engineering at the University of Stuttgart
Research associate at the German Aerospace Center
Visiting scholar at the University of California at Berkeley
Doctorate at the Technical University of Munich
Transfering Knowledge
Energy consultant for builders on behalf of the state of Baden-Württemberg
Lecturer for vehicle testing in engine cooling at the University of Munich
Lecturer for engine cooling at Esslingen University
Responsibility for the technical content of numerous trade fairs (IAA)
Over 50 publications in journals and books
Deep Dive and Understanding
Method for cost-benefit optimization of a new cooler generation
Proof of the CO2 reduction potential of various thermal management systems
Lead customer and partner for CAE method development
Damage mechanisms and models
Numerous inventions and 68 granted patents
Resurfacing and Implementation
Establishment of system development as the mainstay of product strategy and customer loyalty
Technology leadership across the entire portfolio and market leadership in the commercial vehicle sector
New development of a waste heat utilization system and its components
Creation of a global project management organization
Manager with an entrepreneurial eye
Engine cooling pre-development: project manager, head of systems and modules, director pre-development
Engine-resistant heat exchangers: global director of development
Project management: Director of PM in the Thermal Management business unit, global
Thermal Front End (Valeo): Head of Development Northern Europe
Pantow Consulting (since 2020):
Founder and independent consultant
from different stages of the value chain
from different regions of the world
E-mobility product strategy
Product development of heat exchangers
Fuel cell cooling concept development
Supplier development
Thermal management system design and development
Areas of competence of my consulting
My areas of expertise are based on many years of experience in vehicle thermal management, from pre-development through development for mass production, to project management. Take advantage of this expertise.
Thermal Management Systems
Thermal Management Components
Reliability Engineering
R&D Methodology
Innovation Management
Thermal Management Systems
Understanding the system requirements of different types of propulsion from internal combustion engines to battery electric vehicles to fuel cells.
System architecture requirements
System design and optimization
Component requirements
System development as a pillar of the product strategy
Thermal Management Components
Detailed knowledge from own experience as development engineer as well as development manager for all components in the thermal management system.
Heat exchangers
Fan and fan drives
Thermostats and valves
Reliability Engineering
Ensuring product reliability in the field is critical to profitable business.
Derivation of mission profiles
Derivation of test specifications
Linking simulation and testing
Lifetime predictions
R&D Methodology
Reach your goals with the right structured methodology.
Product Development Process
Project management
Maturity managemen
Problem solving according to 8D
Product Strategy / Innovation Management
Targeted identification of new products
Driver / trend analysis
Strategic fields of action
Idea generation
Idea evaluation, technical and commercial
Concept release criteria
Competition analysis
Clear presentation of complex technical issues
Communication with customers and suppliers
Technical publications
Technology presentations at trade fairs
Worth Knowing
What concerns a thermal manager? Here you can read my thoughts on current topics at irregular intervals.